Blister Foil Packaging – A Comprehensive Review

This article contains information on blister foil which is used to packaging of Tablets and capsule formulations in pharmaceutical industry. moreover this article includes what are the different types of foil, Advantages, Limitations and applications.

What is Blister Foil Packing?

this type  packing is a packaging method that involves sealing medication in a pre-formed plastic blister. The blister is then sealed with a foil backing. This packaging method offers several advantages over traditional packaging methods such as bottles and tubes.

Types of Blister Foil Packing

There are two types of foil – Cold forming blister foil and Thermoforming Blister foil.

Cold Forming Blister Foil

Cold forming foil is made by blending aluminum, Nylon, and PVC. This type of  foil packing is preferred for medications that are sensitive to temperature and moisture. Cold forming foils are resistant to water vapor and gases, which makes them ideal for packaging tablets, capsules, and other solid dosage forms.

Thermoforming Blister Foil

Thermoforming foil is made by blending PVC and PVDC. This type of blister packing is preferred for medications that require a high barrier to moisture and gases. Thermoforming foils are also suitable for packaging medical devices and ampoules.

Advantages of Blister Foil Packing

It offers several advantages over traditional packaging methods such as bottles and tubes.

Barrier Protection : It provides excellent barrier protection against moisture, light, and oxygen. This helps to protect the medication from degradation and ensures that the medication remains stable throughout its shelf life.

Tamper-Proof Packaging : It provides tamper-proof packaging that ensures the medication has not been tampered with during transportation and storage.

Dosage Accuracy :  foil packing Blister provides accurate dosage of medication by offering pre-formed cavities that hold a specific amount of medication.

Cost-Effective Packaging : this type packing is a cost-effective packaging method that reduces the cost of transportation and storage due to its compact and lightweight design.

Enhanced Shelf Life : it provides enhanced shelf life for medications. This type of packaging protects medications from environmental factors such as moisture, light, and oxygen, which can cause degradation.

Easy to Dispense : Blister packing makes it easy to dispense drugs. The individual blisters can be easily popped out, making it easier for patients to take the right dose at the right time.

Customizable : Blister packing is highly customizable. The size and shape of the blister packs can be customized to fit the product’s specific needs. This makes it easier to package irregularly shaped products.

Limitations  of Blister Foil Packing

Inspite of the advantages of blister foil packing, there are some limitations that should be considered as below :

Not Suitable for all Products : Blister packing is not suitable for all products. Certain products, such as liquid medications, cannot be blister packed.

Increased Labor Costs : Blister packing can increase labor costs. The process of filling and sealing each blister pack requires more time and labor than other packaging techniques.

Risk of Product Tampering : Blister packing has a risk of product tampering. Since the individual blisters can be easily opened, there is a risk of someone tampering with the product.

Limited Compatibility with Certain Drugs : Blister packing is not compatible with certain types of drugs. Drugs that are sensitive to moisture or require special handling cannot be blister packed.

Difficulty in Opening : It can be difficult to open, especially for individuals with disabilities or elderly individuals.


Applications of Blister Foil Packing in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Blister foil packing is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry due to its many advantages. Here are some of its applications:

Tablets and Capsules : Blister foil packing is commonly used for packaging tablets and capsules. This type of packaging ensures that the medication remains stable throughout its shelf life.

Ampoules and Vials : Blister foil packing is also suitable for packaging ampoules and vials. This type of packaging provides a high level of protection against light and moisture.

Medical Devices : It is also used for packaging medical devices such as syringes, needles, and catheters. This type of packaging ensures that the medical devices remain sterile until they are ready to be used.


Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What medications are commonly packaged in blister foil packing?

It  is commonly used for packaging tablets, capsules, ampoules, vials, and medical devices.

2. Is blister foil packing cost-effective?

Yes, It is a cost-effective packaging method due to its compact and lightweight design.

3. Are there any disadvantages to blister foil packing?

Yes, It can be difficult to open and can create a significant amount of waste.

4. Is blister foil packing environmentally friendly?

It can create a significant amount of waste, which can be a concern for environment.

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