Comparative Dissolution profile protocol

This article contains information about Comparative Dissolution profile protocol for various formulations like Tablet/capsule etc.                                                                                                    

Comparative Dissolution profile protocol

Team Approval:

  Designation Name Signature Date
Prepared By Executive -QC      
Reviewed By Manager-QC  




Approved By Head-QA      

 Protocol Content for comparative dissolution profile Protocol :

Sr. No  

Contents Name


Page No
I Purpose 3
II Scope 3
III Reference 3
IV Site of the Study 3
V Responsibility 3
VI Materials and instrument 3 => 4
VII Profiling Medium 4
VIII Method of Analysis 5  => 6
IX Acceptance Criteria 7
X Results 7
XI Conclusion 7
XII Attachments 7

I:  Purpose:

The purpose of comparative dissolution profile protocol testing in the four media is to access dissolution performance of Reference Sample of drug product against the Test Sample (Innovator sample) across the physiologically relevant pH range in consideration of multiple time points.

 II: Scope:  

The comparative dissolution profile protocol study is applicable to drug product which is manufactured at site

III: Reference:

USP General Chapter <1090>

 IV: Site of the study:

Pharmaceutical organization name

V: Responsibility:

  • Analyst/Executive QC: To perform the dissolution test as per protocol and report the results.
  • Assistant Manager QC: To check & verify the analysis performed for Dissolution test.
  • Head Quality Control: To ensure the activities are executed as per protocol.
  • Head Quality Assurance: To ensure the results obtained are within the predefined acceptance criteria.

VI: Materials and Instrument:

  • Product details:

Sr. No Name of product Batch Number Mfg. Date Exp. Date Type of sample
1 Reference Sample (Innovator sample)
2 Test sample
  • Instruments:

Sr. No Instruments Make
1 Analytical  Balance Mettler Toledo
2 Analytical  Balance Mettler Toledo
4 Dissolution Test Apparatus LABINDIA
5 UV Spectrophotometer SHIMADZU
  • Reagent / Chemicals:

Sr. No Reagents/Chemicals Grade
1 Sodium Hydroxide AR Grade
2 Monobasic Potassium Phosphate AR Grade
3 Diethylamine AR Grade
4 Phosphoric Acid AR Grade
5 Acetonitrile HPLC Grade
6 Potassium Chloride AR  Grade
7 Hydrochloric Acid AR  Grade
8 Sodium Acetate Trihydrate AR  Grade
9 Glacial Acetic Acid AR  Grade
  •  Standard:

Sildenafil Citrate USP

VII: Dissolution profiling media & Time points:

Perform the Dissolution profiling in the following corresponding medium :

  • Medium:

  1. Dissolution Medium : Purified Water
  2. Dissolution Medium : Phosphate Buffer pH 6.8
  3. Dissolution Medium : Acetate  Buffer pH 4.5
  4. Dissolution Medium : Hydrochloric Acid Buffer pH 1.2
  • Time points:

5, 10, 15, 20, 30 & 45 minutes


 VIII. Method of Analysis:

  •  Dissolution Medium: Purified Water  

  •   Dissolution parameters:

Dissolution media Purified Water
RPM 50
Apparatus Paddle  (USP Type II)
Volume 900 ml
Time point  45 minutes
Temperature 37.0°C ± 0.5ºC
  • Chromatographic Condition:

Column As per product Requirement
Flow Rate 1.0 ml/min
Injection Volume 20 µL
      Wavelength 230 nm
Column Oven Temperature 250C
Auto Sampler Temperature Ambient
Run Time About 10 minutes
Retention Time for Principle Peak About 5 minutes
  •  Preparation of Buffer:

Prepare a solution of 0.5 M monobasic potassium phosphate and 0.01 M Diethyl amine in purified

Water in the ratio (1: 1). Adjust with phosphoric acid to a pH 4.5. Filter through 0.45 µ membrane filter.

  • Preparation of Mobile Phase:

Prepare a degassed mixture of purified water, Acetonitrile and Buffer in the ratio 130:70:8

  • Standard Solution:

Weigh accurately and transfer 30 mg of API working standard into a 100 ml volumetric

Flask. Dissolve and Dilute to volume with Purified Water. Further dilute 5 ml to 50 ml with the purified

Water. (Prepare the standard solution in duplicate for similarity factor)

  • Sample Solution:

Transfer 900 ml of dissolution medium in the vessel carefully and allow the medium to equilibrate to a

Temperature of 37 + 0.5oC. Place one tablet in each of the vessel and operate the apparatus at 50 rpm for 45 Minutes. Withdraw l0 ml of the sample from each Dissolution Vessel and filter through 0.45 pm membrane Filter. Further dilute 5 ml to 20 ml with dissolution medium.

  • Procedure:

Separately inject 20 µL of Blank, standard solution preparation -1 (five injection) and

Standard solution preparation -2 (single injection) and test preparation into the chromatographic system

and record the peak area count of Sildenafil . Calculate the content of the Sildenafil

  • System Suitability

1) The similarity factor should be between 0.98 and 1.02

2) The % RSD of Sildenafil in standard preparation for retention times should not be more than

l % and for peak area response should not be more than 2.0 %.

3)  The tailing factor for Sildenafil peak in standard preparation should not be more than 2.0

4)  The theoretical plates for Sildenafil peak in standard preparation should not be more than 2000

  •     Calculation:

% drug release

Sample Area x Std. Wt. Mg x 5 x 900 x 20 x Std. Potency x 100 x 474.58


Standard Area x 100 x 50 x1 x 5 x100 x L.C x 666.70


Std.Potency Standard Potency
LC Labelled Claim
447.58 Molecular Weight of Sildenafil
666.70 Molecular Weight of Sildenafil Citrate
  •  Specification:

Not less than 85.0 % of the labelled amount release in 45 minutes


 IX) Acceptance criteria:

F1 value should be in between 1 to 15

F2 value should be in between 50 to 100


X) Results:

1) Observation and results to be recorded in individual data sheet

2)  Summarize the finding of the method study to draw Inference.


 XI) Conclusion:

Based on the interpretation of the results in method Summary and Comparative dissolution profile protocol draw the conclusion.


XII) Attachment:   

1) Protocol.

2) Report.


Note : All testing shall be done as per Comparative dissolution profile protocol

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