List of Non Routine Validations Activities Performed by Quality Assurance (QA)

Describes List of Non Routine Validation activities for OSD Formulations.

What is mean by Non routine Validations ?

The validations which are performed other than Routine process validations termed as Non routine validations. It is important to perform non-routine validation to identify and address any potential issues before they become problems that impact product quality, safety, or efficacy. It is essential to have a well-defined validation plan, identify and address potential risks, involve all stakeholders in the process, and document all activities and results.  Some of the non routine Validations like hold time can be clubbed with the Routine validation activities. It will depend on case to case scenario.


List of Non Routine Validation Activities :

  1. Disinfectant hold time study
  2. Dirty/To be clean area hold time study
  3. Clean area hold time study
  4. Dirty/To be clean equipment hold time study
  5. Clean equipment Hold time study
  6. Blend Hold Time study
  7. Lubricated Blend Hold Time study
  8. Sifted powder mix Hold Time study
  9. Compressed Tablets Hold Time study
  10. Coated Tablets Hold Time study
  11. Binder Hold Time study (For starch separate Hold time study will be done)
  12. Study of failure of Corridor AHU
  13. Hold time study for Coating suspension
  14. Inlet process air monitoring by air Sampling
  15. Tablets tilting on Inspection Belt
  16. Tablet/Capsule inspector validation
  17. Validation of effectiveness of of Disinfectant solution
  18. Rate of cooling of binder Temperature
  19. Drain Time of purified Water
  20. Drain Time of Potable Water
  21. Dummy Recall Validation
  22. Hold Time study of FBE Finger Bag
  23. Hold time study of purified water in storage tank
  24. Study of Exhaust air quality of AHU, Dust Collector
  25. Study on Effective filter Cleaning of cleanable filter (HVAC)
  26. Justification of lead time prior to Laminar Air Flow Operation
  27. Justification of lead time prior to AHU operation for Temperature and RH conditions
  28. Metal detection of Chips at different speed of compression machine
  29. Computer System Validation (CSV)
  30. Method Transfer Validation
  31. Revalidation due to Changes in Raw Materials
  32. Container Closure Integrity Testing validation
  33. Validation of Special Processes (e.g., aseptic processing, lyophilization)
  34. Primary Packaging Material Validation
  35. Transport Validation




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