Neutral Code
This article contains the information about the Neutral Code.
Neutral Code
A brief information About the Neutral Code :
A “neutral code” is a unique alphanumeric identifier issued by a regulatory body , like the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) in India, that allows a manufacturer to label their exported products (mainly pharmaceuticals and medical devices) with a code instead of their company name and address, thus protecting their identity on the international market when required by the importing country’s regulations; essentially acting as a substitute for the manufacturer’s details on the product label for export purposes.
In short Manufacturer of drug in your state who desire to export drugs without indicating the name and address of the manufacturer on the label should indicate these particulars in the form of code. The code that has been approved by the Drug controller.
A brief information about Numbering system :
The code number indicates as, abbreviation of the state followed by the word drugs and followed by the drug manufacturer license number.
e.g. : Drug manufacturer in Andhra Pradesh would indicate on the label the words as “AP/Drugs/Drug manufacturing License Number”.
Different abbreviations shall be used for the various states differently.
Some Questions and Answers about the Neutral code
Q.1) Purpose for Neutral code.
Ans : To enable manufacturers to export products without revealing their identity on the packaging, which can be necessary due to local regulations in the importing country or the buyer’s preference to not disclose the source.
Q.2) Who issues it ?
Ans : Regulatory bodies like CDSCO in India.
Q.3) How it’s used ?
Ans : The manufacturer applies for this code, and once approved, they print this code on the product label instead of their company details when exporting.
Q.4) Where it is used ?
Ans : Primarily used in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries
Q.5) How to get a neutral code license ?
Ans: Apply online through portal, Provide the required documents, including a valid manufacturing license and a Product Permission or No Objection Certificate (NOC). The CDSCO will issue the this after reviewing the application
Q.6) Who can get a neutral code license ?
Ans: Licensed pharmaceutical manufacturers can get this code for drugs and Licensed medical device manufacturers can get this code for medical devices