Performance Verification of Pharma code system

This article contains the Performance Verification of Pharma code system, Pharmacode is mainly used on the secondary packing material to identify the correct material and to avoid mixing as well.


Performance Verification protocol for Pharma code system

I: Objective:

To validate the Pharma code checking system by verifying that the component (or) system will function accordingly to the system specification.

II: Scope:

Applicable to Pharma Code checking.

III: Principle:

When carton comes in contact with the backlight of scanner of pharma code reader, scanner compares the pharma code with set reference Pharma code &

in case of wrong pharma code machine stops automatically.

IV: Justification for selection of item / process / product (formula) /storage condition:


V: Site of Study:

Pharma  Packing

VI: Responsibility:

Representative  from            Production            : ____________________________


Quality Assurance : ____________________________


Engineering  : ____________________________

VII: Description of the Equipment to be used:

Equipment : Cartonator  ·

CODE No : _________________

  • Date of Equipment Qualification done _______________

Equipment : Pharma coding system ·

CODE No : _________________

  • Date of Equipment Qualification done _______________

 VIII: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to be followed:


SOP for operating cartonator   SOP No. : ___________


SOP for operating Pharma coding system   SOP No. : ___________

IX: Requirement:

 SOP for operating Cartonator SOP No________________

SOP for operating Pharma coding system   SOP No. : ___________


  1. Password control for access.
  2. Training:


Name Training Status Training Report Availability Checked by








Safety aspect taken into consideration during  safety aspect operation of the equipment and process of the product . Checked By:  _____________________

X: Validation Procedure :

Carryout the validation exercise as per the validation protocol

Product :
Batch Number :
Date of Validation :

 XI: Non Compliance:

 Details of deviations:

Deviation Report No. / dated Checked by



 Details of OOS results:

OOS Report No. /  dated Checked by



 XII: Type of validation:

Concurrent Validation:

XIII: Frequency:

 One Validation exercise per year.

XIV: Results/Acceptance Criteria :

Sr. No.


Acceptance Criteria Observations
1. Password verification  for editing product :

Enter incorrect password for editing the set product parameters

System should not accept the incorrect password.
2. Access code verification for Adjustment Menu  :

Enter incorrect access code to enter into adjustment menu.

System should not accept the incorrect password.
3. Access code verification  to advanced configuration option :

Enter incorrect access code to enter into configuration option

System should not accept the incorrect password.
4. Add one additional bar  on the carton flap. Ensure that the additional  bar is applied using a black coloured permanent marker  pen correspond with the dimensions and position specified in the Pharma code guide. This particular carton should be clearly marked as unusable with cross line . For security purpose, the progress of the marked carton through the machine should be monitored. (Note: Same test to be carried out at initial and end of the batch ) The marked carton is recognized as ‘Error’ and machine must stop.


  XV: Summary of findings of experiment (inference) :








 XVI: Recommendation (Including requirements of any additional documentation):








XVII: Team approval :



__________               ___________________              _________________

Production                         Engineering                          Quality Assurance


Date :                                   Date :                                    Date :




XVIII: Review (inclusive of follow up action, if any) :








XIX) Approved by :





_________________________                                  __________________

Plant Quality Assurance                                                 GM-Operation

Date:                                                                              Date:










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