Sop for Control of printed packaging material

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for Control of printed packaging material

Sop for Control of printed packaging material

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The purpose of this Sop for Control of printed packaging material
  • This Standard operating procedure shall be applicable for Control of printed packaging material.

II. Responsibilities:

  •  All warehouse personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part:

Procedure for control of printed packaging material:

  • All printed packaging material shall be stored in the warehouse under under lock & key and all Keys should be in control of the store Manager.
  • All the printed labels shall be received and quantity shall be confirmed. and stored in cupboard under Lock and Key.
  • Identification label shall be affixed on each locker with following details: Item Name. A.R. No., Item Code etc.
  • As per SOP Printed label shall be issued by store officer on receipt of authorized BOM received from Production. The Labels shall be issued in roll from to the nearest requisition quantity.
  • Labels shall be issued in lock and key trolley with status labels indicating Name of the product and Batch No.
  • At the time of issuance ensure that material return from production shall be issued first as per FIFO.
  • Packing supervisor shall arrange to take this locked trolley to Production.
  • Ensure that after issuing the labels, the respective rack compartment area shall be locked.
  • After completion of packing the labels shall be reconciled by the packing officer, details of which recorded in Batch Packing Record (BPR).
  • Balance labels if any shall be sent back to stores by production with authorized Material Return Note (MRN) and status label indicating quantity and Analytical Reference Number.
  • Store officer shall check the status label and return quantity as per Material Return Note from production and store the same at designated place under lock and key.
  • In case of Pre-printed labels having Batch No., Manufacturing date and expiry date entire quantity shall be issued to production. After completion of the batch the left over pre-printed labels shall be destroyed by production department and same shall be recorded in batch record.
  • PVC, PVDC & Aluminum foil shall be stored below 25 Degree Celsius under lock & key in designated areas.
  • Any printed cut labels shall be stored in designated place.
  • All cupboards shall be numbered from 01.
  • Lock Number shall be displayed on cupboards.
  • Authorized list shall be displayed on each storage areas.
  • After reconciliation, excess goods non-overprinted packaging materials shall be returned from production to stores through ‘Material Return Note’.
  • Printed labels shall be stored at designated place under Lock and Key area.
  • Cupboard in the room shall be marked for labels, segregated product wise and product pack wise.
  • Cartons and leaflets shall be segregated product wise.



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