Sop for Fumigation in Microbiology Section

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure)  Sop for Fumigation in Microbiology Section

 Sop for Fumigation in Microbiology Section

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The purpose of this SOP is to lay down a procedure for Fumigation in Microbiology section
  • This Standard operating procedure shall be applicable for Fumigation and DE fumigation in Microbiology section of Quality Control Department

II. Responsibilities:

• All Quality control personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :

Introduction while Fumigation in Microbiology Section:

  • Environment in the microbiological testing laboratory is of almost significant as microbiological testing needs a highly cleaned and sanitized environment.
  • If the environment is not meeting the high level of cleanliness requirement, it may lead to microbial contamination during the testing of samples.
  • It may also lead to contamination of pure cultures which are routinely used in microbiological testing, which results in high number of false positive tests.
  • An unclean environment may cause health hazards to the microbiologist working in the area.
  • Fumigation is necessary in microbiology laboratory because only cleaning and sanitization is not sufficient to control the contaminants from environment.
  • Virosil is used for fumigation which is revolutionary, ecofriendly, non toxic disinfectant and fumigant(aerosol).Virosil has proved to be effective in controlling aerial bacteria and fungus present in the room.

Precautions while performing Fumigation in Microbiology Section: 

  • Use proper safety apparel during fumigation such as gown, hand gloves, nose mask, safety goggles and foot wares.
  • Make sure that the area to be fumigated shall be cleaned thoroughly.
  • AHU shall be put ‘OFF’, about 10 min before fumigation.
  • After specific contact time, defumigate the area by starting the AHU.
  • Start the routine analysis, when area attends the required temperature and humidity.

Operation :

  • Prepare the 20% v/v Virosil solution in WFI or purified water.
  • Open the lid of fogger tank, transfer the prepared solution in tank and close the lid.
  • Connect the fogger minimum 2 feet’s above the ground level. Adjust the blower at approximate 45degree angle to the base.
  • Switch ‘ON’ the main switch and the blower. fogger will start emitting fine fog.
  • Keep the Fog generator control to minimum to get fine particles of solution for better penetration.
  • Keep the fogger ‘ON’ till it forms sufficient fog in the area, and then shift to another area.
  • Cover applicable area of Microbiology section.
  • After fumigation keep all the doors closed. After completion of fumigation keep the area closed for not less than 6 hours.
  • For defumigation, switch ‘ON’ the AHU. Wait till area attends the required temperature and humidity.
  • Record the fumigation details in Annexure I.
  • Frequency : Once in a week or whenever required.


IV: Annexure :

Annexure I: Fumigation Record of Microbiology Section                  


Annexure I


Fumigation Record of Microbiology Section  

Month & Year :______________

Date of Fumigation Area of Fumigation Fumigant Used Done by Date of


Done By Checked By


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