SOP for Operation of DG after MSEB Power failure

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for Operation of DG after MSEB Power failure

Operation of DG after MSEB Power failure

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Operation of DG after MSEB Power failure .
  • This procedure is applicable to all Engineering Department for Operation of DG after MSEB Power failure

II. Responsibilities:

  • All Engineering personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :

Procedure :

Operation Procedure ( For Manual Change Over) :

  • Start the D.G. set as per the procedure for operation of DG set.
  • Check voltage between R-Y, Y-B, B-R, it should be between 415 to 420 volts.
  • Check frequency of supply it should be between 49.5 to 50.0 hz.
  • Close the DG. Incomer breaker in DG.
  • Ensure transformer incomer-1 on LT panel must be in open condition.
  • Close the breaker of DG. Incomer bus coupler on LT panel.
  • The load in amp. On DG set now starts increasing monitor it..
  • Monitor and record parameters in DG monitoring record.
  • After resumption of DG power, ensure utility.
  • After power failure DG resume the power within 2 Minute
  • DG power back up to all factory equipment’s & instruments along with emergency.
  • Detailed activity will be recorded in log book for DG Set as per Annexure I

Annexure I 

Log book of Diesel Generator 

Frequency: As and When Required

Date Start Time Stop Time Run Time (H.) Tank Oil Level Oil Computation Air Filter Cleaning Received Diesel Done By Checked By


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