Sop for testing of earth pits

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for testing of earth pits.

Sop for testing of earth pits

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Sop for testing of earth pit.
  • This procedure is applicable Engineering Department personnel for Sop for testing of earth pit.

II. Responsibilities:

• All Engineering personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III . Introduction and Procedural Part :

Procedure :

  • Get all the earth pit tested through approved licensed electrical contractor.
  • Ensure that all readings of the tested earth pits are entered and signed by approved licensed electrical contractor.
  • Prepare salt and water solution and add if reading exceeds 2 Ω. (Ohm).
  • Test the earth pit yearly.


Yearly (Earthing resistance of Earth pit.)

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