Sop for Vacuum pump for filtration

Vacuum pump for filtration
This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for Operation and Calibration of Vacuum Pump for filtration.
Sop for Operation and Calibration of Vacuum Pump for filtration
I. Purpose & Scope:
- The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure to lay down a procedure for Operation, Cleaning & Calibration of Vacuum Pump for filtration.
- This procedure is applicable for Operation, cleaning & Calibration of Vacuum Pump for filtration used in Quality Control Department
II. Responsibilities:
- All Quality Control personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.
III : Introduction and Procedural Part :
General Cleaning :
- Clean the instrument with a clean dry cloth every day. Occasionally wet cloth dipped in dilute soap solution may be used.
- Precautions has to be taken to clean the instrument immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.
Basic Operation of Vacuum pump for filtration :
For Applying Vacuum to the filtration:
- Select the vacuum operation mode by opening the vacuum regulator valve. (Keep pressure regulator valve closed throughout the operation).
- During vacuum filtration, use a vacuum-flask through water trap to prevent excessive amount of liquids or mist from entering the pump.
- Prepare the filter holder ready for filtration. Do not connect the tubing to the pump [Do not turn on the pump with all tubing and equipment fully connected. The pump may not function properly if turned on with an initial load].
- Plug the power cord into a grounded electrical source 230V. Switch on the main switch of power supply.
- Switch on the pump.
- Load the filter holder and connect the tubing from the filter holder through water trap to the pump.
- After completion of work run the pump for about 30 seconds freely and turn off the pump.
For Applying Vacuum to the filtration:
- Prepare equipment ready for vacuum operation and follow the procedure as below.
- Plug the power cord into a grounded electrical source 230V. Switch on the main switch of power supply.
- Switch on the pump.
- Connect the tubing and adjust the required vacuum with the help of vacuum regulator.
- After completion of work, run the pump for about 30 sec. freely and turn off the pump.
Calibration :
Calibration Frequency:
- Calibration done by external Agency once in year.
- Handle the out of calibration results as respective SOP.