SOP – Online Rejection of Raw and Packing materials

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for receipt and storage of online rejection of Raw and Packing materials

SOP for receipt and storage of online rejection of Raw and Packing materials

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The purpose of this SOP for receipt and storage of online rejection of Raw and Packing materials
  • This Standard operating procedure shall be applicable for receipt and storage of online rejection of Raw and Packing materials.

II. Responsibilities:

  • All warehouse personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part:

Procedure for online rejection of Raw and Packing Materials:

  • The raw material & packing material rejected due to various reason shall be transferred to rejected room under lock & key Batch wise pallet & enter the details of materials in logbook under following conditions:
  • RM/PM- Torn/Damage received during receipt.
  • RM-Rejected during Analysis due to OOS
  • RM/PM-Any abnormality observed during Sampling
  • RM/PM-Any abnormality during Dispensing
  • `RM/PM Any abnormality observed during processing (Example, Shade variation, damaged, misprinting, cutting problem, some text matter missing, shade variation, torn condition etc.
  • On receipt of the Raw/Packaging material from vendor, if Store personnel find the material is not in safe condition, damaged etc, same shall be recorded in Annexure- I after verified by the QA personnel with sign in the respective from and material shall be quarantined.
  • If different item code rejected material or the same material having different A.R. No. has to be store on the single pallet/ Rack then use the separator for proper segregation.
  • In case the material is rejected at the time of sampling, Dispensing & Processing, Stores officer shall check the online rejected raw & packaging material quantity returned with material return note in respect of quantity and condition of packaging material and it’s A.R. Number.
  • Stores officer shall transfer the material to the rejected material storage area after affixing appropriate ‘Rejected’ Label with details such as quantity A.R. number and duly sign of Q.C.officer in case material rejected due to OOS or deviation duly authorized by QA.
  • Send details of rejection note to the buyer with GRN through purchase.
  • Share the information received from buyer with QA/Purchase for further action. If it is to be destroyed.
  • Return the material after authorized by QA in consultation with Purchase & Head QA.
  • Rejected Printed Packing Materials are to be destroyed in premises in a scrap yard after due Authorization from QA within 60 days.
  • Rejected Raw Materials are destroyed or returned to manufacturer/Suppliers within 90 days approved/witnessed by QA.
  • Temperature sensitive material is stored in respective storage condition with proper segregation, Including rejected Material.
  • The key for the rejection room shall be under the custody of Head Quality Assurance. Take key from Head Quality Assurance as and when required for cleaning.
  • Rejection room shall be opened under the supervision of QA personnel only.


Annexure No Format Name
Annexure I Rejected Material Logbook


Annexure I

Online Rejection of Raw and Packing materials

Rejected Material Logbook

Material Code No. Material Name Manufacturer Received Qty. Rejected Qty. GRN/

AR No.

Rejection Date Material Recd. Date Material Status



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