standard test procedure for Triplex PVC/PE/PVDC Foil 

This article consists of standard test procedure for Triplex PVC/PE/PVDC foil.

Standard test procedure for Triplex PVC/PE/PVDC Foil

Contents of standard test procedure for Triplex PVC/PE/PVDC foil :

Description : 

White opaque, non toxic PVC film coated with PVDC/ PE Laminated. It should be free from any kind of visual defects.

Identification :


Cut the material into pieces. Dissolve 5.0 g of PVC in 80 ml of tetrahydrofuran R and dilute to 100 ml with the same solvent. Filter if necessary (the solution may remain opalescent). Dilute 20 ml of the solution and add drop wise with gentle shaking 70 ml of alcohol R. Cool in ice for 1 hour. Filter or centrifuge. Wash the residue with alcohol R and add the washings to the filtrate or the centrifugation

liquid. Dilute to 100 ml with alcohol R. Dissolve the residue in 5ml of tetrahydrofuran R. Apply a few drops of the solution to sodium chloride plate and evaporate to dryness in an oven at 1 00° c to 1 05° c. Examine by infrared absorption spectrometer. The material to be examined shows absorption maxima

at 2975 cm1 , 2910 cm1,  2865 cm1,  1430 cm1, 1330 cm1, 1255 cm1,  690 cm1,  615cm1

 PVDC : 

Take a small piece of film add a few drops of pyridine for 1-2 minutes. To the above add few drops of 5 % solution of methanol sodium (0.5 gm NAOH in 1 OCC methanol). PVDC coated film turns dark brown immediately.

PE : 

1) Dip the sample completely in a beaker containing ethyl acetate and wait until the PVDC PE layer separate out from PVC layer.

2) Dry the PE sample at about 75° add drop of Morpholine on PE layer it remains unchanged. Dip the PE layer in toluene and heat on water bath with constant stirring it gets dissolves in toluene.

Visual Inspection : 

Visual inspection to be carried out as per mentioned in the standard operating procedure of sampling and record.

Width of foil : 

Measure it with calibrated measuring scale.

GSM of PVC : 

Cut a piece of foil of known dimensions (cm1), weigh on balance &calculate the total GSM as per formula given below,

Total GSM Weight of =    Weight of piece (gm) x 100 x 100

Length (cm) x Width (cm)

Thickness of foil : 

Measure it with calibrated micro screw gauge.


Take a piece of film from above test No.5, deep in ethyl acetate or HN03 for 10 minutes. After PVC &PVDC get separated, dry it and weight. Calculate the grammage of PVDC as per formula given below.

Total GSM =Weight of piece (gm) x 100 x 100

Length (cm) x Width (cm)

Pin hole : 

Verify with pin hole tester.


Foil rolls should be wrapped in a polythene bag &arranged in shipper in such a

way that none of the rolls get damaged &all the shipper should be marked with

vendor name, material description, qty etc.

  Note : All standard test procedure for Triplex PVC/PE/PVDC foil shall be done as per STP

Revision History :

     Version No.

          Reason for Revision

Change control No

   Effective Date

 Abbreviations :

PVC : Polyvinyl chloride

PVDC : Polyvinylidene chloride

PE : Polyethylene

GSM : grams per square meter



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