Verification Report of container capping machine

This article contains information about Performance Verification Report of container capping machine

Performance Verification Report of container capping machine


To ensure that the Container Capping machine is functioning as it is supposed to pass the capped containers to Induction sealing machine.


Applicable to Container Capping by using container capping machine.


Capping of Containers by container capping machine by means of pressure spindles.

Site of study:

Packing Department  – Cipla, Goa.

Location: ___________________


Representatives from:

Production              : ______________

Quality Assurance  : ______________

Engineering            : ______________

Description of container capping machine to be Validated / used:

Machine                        : ____________________

Make                             : ____________________

Code No.                       : ____________________

Capping Machine Qualification Done on : _________________

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to be followed:

SOP for Operating Capping Machine POP: ________________

SOP for Cleaning of Capping Machine PLCP:_______________


  1. Container Capped by rotating pressure spindles.
  2. Container without cap should be rejected by rejection system of capping machine.
  3. Container with tilted cap should be rejected by rejection system of capping machine.

Training details of personnel involved in validation.

Name Training status Training report availability Checked by

 Validation Procedure:

  Carry out Validation as per the Validation Protocol No.

Product: _____________________     Batch No :____________________


Batch Size: ___________________   Type of Cap: __________________


Date of Validation: _______________


Acceptance criteria:

  •  Capping should be effective and uniform throughout the batch run.
  • Machine should reject the container with No cap and Titled cap.
  • Container with tilted cap should be rejected by rejection system of capping machine.


Non Compliance:                                    

Details of Deviation (if any):

Deviation Report Number Deviation Report Dated Checked by

Details of Out of Specification (if any):

OOS Report Number OOS Report Dated Checked by

Type of Validation:

Concurrent Validation:


One validation exercise every two year.


Capping quality checking record for 5 capped containers

Sr. No. Frequency                     Capping Quality
1 2 3 4 5
1. Initial
2. Middle  
3. End of the batch  

 Check the functioning of ‘No Cap Sensor’ at initial, middle and end of the batch for 5 containers.

Sr. No. Frequency                     Observations
1 2 3 4 5
1. Initial
2. Middle  
3. End of the batch  

Check the functioning of ‘Tilted Cap Sensor’ at initial, middle and end of the batch for 5 containers

Sr. No. Frequency                     Observations
1 2 3 4 5
1. Initial
2. Middle  
3. End of the batch  

Summary of finding of experiment (inference):






Team Approval:



_____________          _______________            _____________

Packing                      Quality Assurance               Engineering


Date:                           Date:                                    Date:



Review: (Inclusive of follow up action, if any):





Approved by:



__________________                                   ____________

Quality Assurance                                         GM-Operation


Date:                                                               Date:





Annexures :




SOP         : Standard Operating Procedure

OOS         : Out of Specification

No.            : Number

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