Verification Report of Topserter II machine

This article contains information about Performance Verification Report for Topserter II Machine.

Performance Verification Report for Topserter II machine.


To validate the operation of Topserter II machine, for affixing the Enclosure /Leaflet / Pack insert on top of the cap of the container.


Applicable for Topserter II machine

Justification for selection of item / equipment / process / product / system.

Site of the Study: Packing Department


Packing                                    : ____________________

Engineering                              : ____________________

Quality Assurance                    : ____________________

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to be followed :

SOP for operating of the Topserter II Machine.

SOP No.: _________



 Temperature of hot melt glue  : _____________

 All sensors should be ‘ON’  : Checked by _____________

 Compressed air pressure       :______________


Sr. No. Equipment’s / Instruments Code No. Calibration Done on Calibration Due on


Sr. No. Name of Persons Training Status Availability of Report Checked By


Acceptance Criteria:

Refer study protocol


  • Carry out the experiment as per study protocol .
  • Record the product details in the table below
Product Name
B. No. / Export Order No. 

(if applicable)

Equipment  No.
Date of Study
Container Code No.
Cap Code No.
Leaflet / Pack insert /Enclosure Code No.
Glue Length (in mm)
  •  Challenge the different sensors and record the observations in Table No. I
  • Check the general test of glue application and pack insert affixing quality by Collecting 10 containers from the topserter II machine during machine run at different speed (Low, High, Optimum speed)  and record the observations in Table No. II, III and IV.

Table I :- Different Sensors challenge study:-

Sr. No. Sensors Observations Checked


01 Container check sensor at entry.
02 Container check sensor for glue dispense application.
03 Container placement check sensor for leaflet affix.
04 Missing leaflet trigger sensor.
05 Container reject verification sensor.
06 Leaflet minimum load sensor.

Table II :- Low Speed : ______Containers per minute.

Sr. No Test Observations Checked

By / Date

1 Glue fire from gun.
2 Glue at center of cap.
3 Glue flow.


4 Glue reproducibility  and its release.
5 Vacuum catch.


6 Container with

missing leaflet/

pack insert.

7 Affixing position.



 Table III :-  High Speed : _______Containers per minute.

Sr. No. Test Observations Checked

By / Date

1 Glue fire from gun.






2 Glue at center of cap.






3 Glue flow.







4 Glue reproducibility  and its release.  




5 Vacuum catch.







6 Container with

missing leaflet/

pack insert.





7 Affixing position.






 Remarks :

 Table IV :- Optimum Speed : ______Containers per minute.

Sr. No. Test Observations Checked

By / Date

1 Glue fire from gun.  




2 Glue at center of cap.  




3 Glue flow.  




4 Glue reproducibility  and its release.  




5 Vacuum catch.  




6 Container with

missing leaflet/

pack insert.





7 Affixing position.








 Details of Non Compliance: (Deviation / Out Of Specification)

Details of Deviation (If any):


Deviation Report Number Deviation Report Dated Checked by


Details of Out of Specification (If any):


OOS Report Number OOS Report Dated Checked by


Reviewer Comments/remark:

Type of study :


Performance verification study.

Frequency :

  1. New Equipment: First three batches.
  2. One exercise after every three years.

Results / Observations:


Summary of the study : (inference)








 Team Approval:



_________                    ____________                  _______________

Packing                          Engineering                     Quality Assurance

Date:                              Date:                               Date:


Review (Including follow up action, if any):



Approved by:




__________________                                             ________________

Plant Quality Assurance                                                 Plant  Head

Date:                                                                           Date:







SOP           :         Standard Operating Procedure

OOS          :         Out Of Specification

Sr.             :         Serial

No.            :         Number


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