SOP for Building Maintenance

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for Building Maintenance, which ensures the upkeepment of buildings as per the pharmaceutical’s building norms.

SOP for Building Maintenance

I: Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Building Maintenance.
  • This procedure is applicable Engineering Department personnel for Sop for building maintenance.

II: Responsibilities:

  • All Engineering personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III: Introduction and Procedural Part :

Instructions :

  • All jobs which are part of building maintenance are estimated to involve expertise workmen and higher labor input.
  • After getting necessary approval, Engineering shall work the plan with concern department and execute the work.
  • During running plant, if any work on running equipment need to be carried out, officer engineering to ensure job card is filled before starting the work.
  • Ensure that product is removed from the area.
  • Ensure that equipment is properly covered.
  • Ensure that respective department Head is aware of the activity.
  • Ensure that area is cleaned after completion of work.
  • Between two checking frequency if any work related building maintenance ( damage/cracks on flooring , walls, doors, windows, rack and partition etc.) to be , concern department shall send the job Intimation slip ( signed by concern department Head) for necessary
  • Engineering head co-ordinate with department head/production head regarding shut down schedule for respective area, which is to be repaired/ painted.
  • Remove all materials such from the area.
  • Isolate the area with other areas to avoid contamination if required.
  • Stop air handling unit of concerned area to avoid contamination.
  • Make a separate entry /exit for the concerned area as possible.
  • Enter in Production area with proper gowning if separate entry is not provided.
  • Engineering head shall give contract to outside person for painting and maintenance work in the factory premises.

Procedures :

  • Engineer shall inform the respective department head for the building maintenance etc.
  • Respective department representative & department head shall take the round and fill the checklist as per Annexure-I
  • Check the walls for any cracks, removal of paint or damages. Carry out painting & touch up or painting if required.
  • Check any damage/cracks on kota/epoxy flooring. If observed, repair immediately.
  • Check condition of Ceiling & joints. Carry out painting touch up work
  • Check condition of utility and piping structure. Carry out the maintenance, painting, touch up or painting if required.
  • Check the building for any water seepages. Rectify if required.
  • Check the condition of expansion joints, rectify if required.
  • Check all doors for proper functioning & their interlocking. Rectify if required.
  • Check all glass doors for dust & damage such as cracks (damage & painting). Rectify if required.
  • Check the condition of racks and partitions for damages painting. Rectify if required.
  • Check lightening arrester. Rectify if required.
  • Verification of sufficient illuminations in the areas.
  • Perform required maintenance/ painting work.
  • Clean the respective area thoroughly after completion of work as per cleaning SOP of respective area for complete cleaning.
  • After completion the work, Department head shall check their respective area before taking handover from Engineering.
  • All maintenance and cleaning activity shall be recorded in the respective Area & Equipment usage log book by respective department.

IV: Annexure :

Annexure I : Building Maintenance check points.

Annexure II : Building Maintenance Record.


Annexure – I

Building Maintenance check points.

 Department:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Date :

Room Name Wall Sealing & Joints Glass Windows Flooring Doors Racks & Partitions Piping, Utility and water seepage Illumination Remarks/ Observation

Note : Fill with √- Ok and X- Not Ok.


   Done by                                      Checked By                                     Approved By         (Engineering officer)                    (Dept Head)                                    (Head-Engineering)                                       


Annexure – II

Building Maintenance Record.

Sr. No. Date Area Work Description Name of Agency Checked By Verified By


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