usage of solution storage vessel and pressure vessel

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for Cleaning and usage of solution storage vessel and pressure vessel.

SOP for Cleaning and usage of solution storage vessel and pressure vessel.

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Cleaning and usage of solution storage vessel and pressure vessel.
  • This procedure is applicable to production Department personnel for Cleaning and usage of solution storage vessel and pressure vessel.

II. Responsibilities:

  • All production personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III . Introduction and Procedural Part :

Procedure for solution storage vessel and pressure vessel: 

  • Transfer the vessel to unit preparation room through pass box.
  • Open the vessels by unscrewing the bolt.
  • Flush the inner and outer surface of pressure vessel/ solution storage vessel with purified water followed by scrubbing with the help of a nylon brush and then rinse with purified water.
  • Flush the lid of the pressure vessel/ solution storage vessel with purified water followed by scrubbing with the help of a nylon brush and then rinse with purified water.
  • Flush the outlet & inlet of the tank with purified water followed by water for injection. (Approx. 15 to 20 liters)
  • Finally rinse all the parts with water for injection. (Approx. 10 to 15 liters)
  • Drain out the water present in the vessel by inverting it.
  • Flush the water present in the outlet & inlet of the vessel by subjecting it to filtered compressed air.
  • Affix CLEANED label.
  • Before the vessel is to be used rinse it with WFI.

Cleaning Frequency:

Before and after the activity.

  • Cleaning and usage activity should record in respective format.


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