Conductivity Meter-SOP for Operation and Calibration

Conductivity meter
Conductivity meter

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for Operation and Calibration of Conductivity meter

Sop for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Conductivity meter

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure to lay down a procedure for Operation, Cleaning & Calibration of Conductivity meter.
  • This procedure is applicable for Operation, cleaning & Calibration of Conductivity meter used in Quality Control Department

II. Responsibilities:

  • All Quality Control personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :


  • Clean the instrument with a clean dry cloth every day. Occasionally wet cloth dipped in dilute soap solution may be used.
  • Precautions has to be taken to clean the instrument immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.


  • Ensure the electrode connected to the instrument.
  • Switch on the main power supply to Instrument and then on the power switch provided on the rear side of the instrument.
  • Remove the electrode from purified water beaker, Clean the electrode with tissue paper.
  • Dip the electrode carefully in sample beaker / solution in a center position.
  • By Pressing the Range key, set the mode as Conductivity ( µs) and Conductivity value will be appear on
  • Record the observed Conductivity value on analytical record or as per requirements.
  • Remove the electrode from sample & clean with purified water properly and then finally clean with tissue paper.
  • Keep the electrode in stand mode in water beaker containing purified water.


  • Operate the instrument as per above basic operation procedure
  • Preparation of calibration standard solution 0.1 M KCl Solution (A): Weigh 0.7456 gm of Potassium chloride and dilute to 100 ml with purified water.
  • Preparation of calibration standard solution 0.01 M KCl Solution (B): Weigh 0.07456 gm of Potassium chloride and dilute to 100 ml with purified water.
  • Prepare the calibration standard solutions on daily basis before use for calibration.
  • The Potassium chloride shall be kept in desiccators over silica. Label the standard solution with name, strength, prepared by, prepared on and use before. Discard the solution after calibration.
  • Determine the conductivity of each solution at 25°C for calibration.
  • The standard solution preparation and its conductivity at 25°C is given as.
Sr. No. Standard Solution Acceptance Criteria + 1 % of standard value
1 0.1 M KCL Solution (A) 12.88 ± 1% ms (12.75 to 13.00 ms)
2 0.01 M KCL Solution (B) 1413 ± 1% µS (1399 to 1427 µS)
  • Remove the electrode form purified water beaker; clean the electrode with clean tissue paper.
  • Dip the electrode carefully in Standard solution A (0.1 M KCL) in a center position.
  • By Pressing the Range key, set the mode as Conductivity (µs) and Conductivity value will be appear on display.
  • Record the observed Conductivity value Annexure I
  • Remove the electrode from Standard solution A and clean with purified water properly and then finally clean with tissue paper.
  • Dip the electrode carefully in Standard solution B (0.01 M KCL) in a center position.
  • By Pressing the Range key, set the mode as Conductivity (µs) and Conductivity value will be appear on display.
  • Record the observed Conductivity value Annexure I
  • Remove the electrode from Standard solution B and clean with purified water properly and then finally clean with tissue paper.
  • Keep the electrode stand in purified water.
  • If any discrepancy observed during operating the instrument report to QC Manager & notify the defect to Maintenance Manager to rectify the defect. Affix ‘Under Maintenance Label’ on the instrument.

Calibration Frequency:

  • Daily morning before use


Annexure I      :  Daily Instrument Calibration Record –Conductivity Meter.

Annexure II     :  Preparation record for calibration standards






 Name of Instrument : Conductivity Meter Month :
 Make : Model :
Department: Quality Control Instrument ID No :
   Frequency :   Daily


Acceptance Criteria:

1) For Standard Solution of 0.1 M KCL: 12.88 ± 1% mS (Limit: 12.75 to 13.00)

2) For Standard Solution of 0.01 M KCL: 1413 ± 1% πS (Limit: 1399 to 1427)

Date Observed Conductivity Remark Done By Checked By
For 0.1 M KCL For 0.01 M KCL
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply



Date Observed Conductivity Remark Done By Checked By
For 0.1 M KCL For 0.01 M KCL
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply
Complies/Does not Comply




Month          :


Date Weight Taken Volume prepared


Prepared By Checked By
For 0.1 M KCL For 0.01 M KCL


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