SOP for Passivation of Equipment

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for Passivation of Equipment

SOP for Passivation of Equipment


I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Passivation of Equipment.
  • This Standard operating procedure shall be applicable for Passivation of equipment.

II. Responsibilities:

  • All production and Quality control personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :

Introduction on Passivation of Equipment :

  • Passivation:

Passivation is an activity by which activated ions on the contact surface of an equipment/its accessories is neutralized to make it non-reactive.

  • Contact Surface:

The surface of Equipment/its accessories coming directly in Contact of materials being processed using the same equipment/its accessories.

  • Rinse:

Volume of Solvent coming out from the equipment/it’s accessories during Spraying/flushing of the same on the surface of it’s finally cleaned contact surface.

Solution Preparation:

  • 20% w/v Citric Acid:- Take 500 gm. of citric acid monohydrate & dissolve it in 1.5 liter of purified water with continuous stirring further dilute it up to 2.5 Liters with purified water mix by shaking for 5 minutes. (Volume of solution to be prepared will depend upon requirement).
  • 0% w/v Sodium Hydroxide:-Take 125gm of NaOH & dissolve in 1.5 liter of purified water with continuous stirring further dilute it up to 2.5 Liters with purified water mix by shaking for 5 minutes. (Volume of solution to be prepared will depend upon requirement).

Procedure for Passivation of equipment  :

Step 1: Passivation with 20% Citric Acid.

  • Wipe entire contact surface of the equipment /Change parts with above prepared 20% w/v citric acid solution and leave it idle for 30 minutes.
  • Drain or decent the above solution from the said equipment/Change parts.
  • Wash entire contact surface twice with potable water.
  • Wash entire contact surface of said equipment/change parts with purified water.
  • Finally rinse entire contact surface of said equipment/change parts with purified water.
  • Record shall be maintained as per Annexure I.

Step 2 : Passivation with 5% NaOH Solution.

  • Wipe entire contact surface of the equipment /Change parts with above prepared 5% NaOH w/v solution and leave it idle for 30 minutes.
  • Drain or decent the above solution from the said equipment/Change parts.
  • Wash entire contact surface twice with potable water.
  • Wash entire contact surface of said equipment/change parts with purified water.
  • Finally rinse entire contact surface of said equipment/change parts with purified
  • Collect rinse water sample and send it to Q.C for analysis and Compliance for the same test.
  • After Q.C. Release of wash water above passivated Equipment’s / accessories shall be used for commercial production.
  • Frequency of Passivation : Before operation of new equipment and when judged by production manager or QA manager.
  • Record shall be maintained as per Annexure I

IV : Annexure :

Annexure I : Passivation Record



Annexure I 

Passivation Record

Equipment/Accessories:                                                 ID. No. :

Area:                                                                                Date of Passivation:


Passivating agent used Concentration of Passivating agent Volume of Passivating agent used Done By Checked  By
Prod. QA.
20%W/V Citric Acid Solution.          
5% W/V NaOH  Solution.          


  1. After Passivation wash water shall be collect & sent to Q.C for wash water analysis as per current version of SOP


Volume of wash water specification:


Wash water sample collected By (QA) (Sign/Date/Time)


Q.C A.R. No.:    …………………                                Date:


Wash water sample Complies/Does not comply


Hence Equipment/Change parts released for commercial production from today onwards.






QA (Sign/Date/Time)

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