SOP for UV Cabinet

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for UV Cabinet.

Sop for UV Cabinet .

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure to lay down a procedure for Sop for UV Cabinet.
  • This procedure is applicable for Operation and Calibration of UV Cabinet used in Quality Control Department

II. Responsibilities:

  • All  Quality Control personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP for UV cabinet.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :

SOP for UV Cabinet :

General Cleaning :

  • Clean the instrument with a clean dry cloth every day. Occasionally wet cloth dipped in dilute soap solution may be used.
  • A precaution has to be taken to clean the instrument immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.

Basic operation :

  • Switch ON main power supply of day light.
  • Switch ON day light button.
  • Open the door of UV cabinet & kept TLC plate for detection of spot.
  • Switch OFF the day light button.
  • Switch ON the main power supply of UV light.
  • Turn the knob on suitable nanometer i.e. 254 nm or 365 nm
  • Observe the spot through viewing window.
  • After visual observation of TLC plate, take the photograph of TLC plate and store it into transparent polybag. Attach the photograph and stored TLC plate into polybag to respective analytical report for traceability.
  • Turn the knob on middle.
  • Switch OFF the main power supply of UV light.

Calibration SOP for UV cabinet :

Calibration Frequency: Once in months and after each maintenance job.

  • Ensure the cleanliness & maintenance if any required of instrument.
  • Prepare the following standard solutions.
  • Standard Solution A – (0.2% w/v Sodium salicylate in Ethyl Alcohol): Weigh accurately 0.2 gm of Sodium salicylate and transfer carefully to 100 ml Class A volumetric flask. Add 30 ml of Ethyl alcohol to dissolve completely. Apply sonication if applicable. Then dilute to 100 ml with Ethyl alcohol.
  • Standard Solution B – (0.04% w/v Sodium salicylate in Ethyl Alcohol): Weigh accurately 0.04 gm of Sodium salicylate and transfer carefully to 100 ml Class A volumetric flask. Add 30 ml of Ethyl alcohol to dissolve completely. Apply sonication if applicable. Then dilute to 100 ml with Ethyl alcohol.
  • Take about 10 X 10 cm2 TLC plate of Silica gel GF254. Apply 5 microliter of each Solution on TLC plate by using micro syringe in such a way that the diameter of the spots is about 5 mm and the distance between the spots is about 3 cm and allow the spots to dry in air.
  1. Ethyl alcohol (as a blank)
  2. Standard Solution A
  3. Standard Solution B
  • Observe the spots of TLC under 254nm and 365nm wavelength radiations and record in Annexure I (NOTE: – The distance between TLC calibration plate and lamp should be identical to test TLC while observation).

Acceptance Criteria  :

  • Spot of standard solution A should be visible clearly under 365 nm.
  • Spot of standard solution B should be visible clearly under 254 nm.
  • No spot of ethyl alcohol should be visible in both wavelengths.
  • If any discrepancy observed during operating the instrument report to QC Manager & notify the defect to Maintenance Manager to rectify the defect. Affix ‘Under Maintenance Label’ on the instrument.

  NOTE: The ethyl alcohol used for preparing standard solutions should be free of Fluorescence. To confirm this spot of 5 micro liters shall be made along with standard solutions on the same plate simultaneously.

  • Maintain the instrument usage log book as per SOP Handling of instrument usage log book
  • Handle the out of calibration results as per specific SOP

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