SOP for storage and disposition of Raw and Packaging material

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for storage and disposition of Raw and Packaging material

SOP for storage and disposition of Raw and Packaging material

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The purpose of this SOP for storage and disposition of Raw and Packaging material
  • This Standard operating procedure shall be applicable for storage and disposition of Raw and Packaging material

II. Responsibilities:

  • All warehouse personnel shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part:

Procedure :

  • As and when any material i.e. Raw or packing material is got rejected for any reason, QC department shall send the “Rejected” remark on GRN (simultaneously raise the OOS) along with Rejected label on consignment to Warehouse.
  • After receipt of “Rejected” label the material shall be transfer to Rejected area of the respective Warehouse with appropriate storage condition.
  • The store department shall forward one copy of GRN dully approved by Head QA to Purchase Department.
  • The said material shall be transferred from physical stock of the material with reference remarks obtained from QC.

Disposition of Rejected Raw material:

  • Rejected raw materials shall be returned to respective Supplier/Manufacturer after confirmation received from Purchase Department.
  • Any replaced material shall be treated as fresh consignment from the Manufacturer.
  • In case the decision for destruction at site, the said materials shall be transferred to ETP for destruction.
  • Any expired material shall be destroyed.

IV: Abbreviations:

GRN : Goods Receive Note

OOS : Out of specification

ETP : Effluent Treatment Plant

QA : Quality Assurance

QC : Quality Control


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