SOP for Cleaning of AHU filters

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) SOP for Cleaning of AHU filters

Sop for Cleaning of AHU filters.

I. Purpose & Scope:

  • The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure for Cleaning of AHU filters.
  • This procedure is applicable to all Engineering Department for Cleaning of AHU filters.

II. Responsibilities:

  • All Engineering personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.

III : Introduction and Procedural Part :

Precautions while cleaning of AHU filters :

Ensure three phase power supply should be switched off from panel. Prefilters, Micro v filter, fresh Air filter shall be numbered as follows:



EN – Engineering

AHU – Air Handling Unit

PPP- Sequence number of AHU

XX-“PF” for Prefilter

zz- sequence no of prefilter/micro V filter / fresh air filter

AHU filters i.e. HEPA filters, Riser filter shall be numbered as follows :



AK – Company Name

BB : Department code

AHU – Air Handling Unit

PPP – Sequence number of AHU

K – filter type (HEPA: H, Riser: R)

MM- sequence no of HEPA filter, riser filter

Differential pressure monitoring of AHU filters i.e. pre filters and micro-V filters.

  • Check and daily monitoring of the differential pressure reading at the Magnehelic gauge, which are provided across the pre filter and micro-V filter of all AHU’s.
  • Record the pressure differential at the start of the day of AHU for prefilters & Micro-V filters.

The limits of the pressure differential as follows for Pre-filters are as follows. ( General facility )

  • Operational range of magnehelic gauge is 0 to 10 mmWC.
  • Operation limit is 1 to 6 mm WC
  • Alert limit is above 7 mm WC
  • Action Limit is above 8 mm WC.

The limits of the pressure differential as follows for Micro-V filters are as follows (General Facility).

  • Operational range of magnehelic gauge is 0 to 25 mmWC.
  • Operation limit is 2 to 10 mmWC
  • Alert limit is above 11 mmWC
  • Action Limit is above 12 mm WC.

The limits of the pressure differential as follows for Prefilters are as follows. ( Injection Facility )

  • Operational range of magnehelic gauge is 0 to 10 mm WC.
  • Operation limit is 3 to 10 mmWC
  • Alert limit is above 9 mmWC
  • Action Limit is above 10 mm WC.

The limits of the pressure differential as follows for Micro-V filters are as follows. (Injection Facility).

  • Operational range of magnehelic gauge is 0 to 25 mm WC.
  • Operation limit is 6 to 20 mmWC.
  • Alert limit is above 15 mmWC.
  • Action Limit is above 20 mm WC

Pre Filter / Micro-v Filters cleaning:

  • Engineering and Utility Department shall intimate to concern department.
  • Concern Department will confirm the availability of Equipment as per intimated schedule.
  • Switch off the air handling unit and allow the blower to come to rest.
  • Wear nose mask and hand gloves.
  • Put the Status label ‘DO NOT OPERATE.
  • Open the filter plenum door by unlocking the door handle.
  • Take the filters out by unscrewing all the fasteners and then close the filter plenum door.
  • Take the filters to the filter cleaning room in polythene bags and keep them in the dirty filter staging area.
  • Clean the filter according to the following procedures. Place the filter in reverse position on SS pallet.
  • Wear nose mask and hand gloves and take out the filter from polythene bag.
    First clean the filter with compressed air.
  • Dip the filter in the potable water and wash with potable water 2 times and finally Rinse with the purified water.
  • Then blow compressed air on the filter for drying.
  • Keep the dried filter in polythene bag.
  • After completion of filter cleaning then attach clean status label & kept vertically.
  • After cleaning of all filters take the same to respective AHU. Re-fix them at their respective position by tightening all the fasteners. Close the filter door after fixing the filters.
  • Record the filter cleaning details in the Annexure I

Frequency for cleaning of pre/micro-V filters (Injection Facility):

  • Fresh air filters, Pre-filters & Micro-V filters cleaning shall be weekly and as when required for General Block.

Frequency for cleaning of pre/micro-V filters (Injection Facility):

  • Fresh air filters, Pre-filters & Micro-V filters cleaning shall be Monthly and as when required for Injection Block.
  • The replacement of HEPA filters shall be after every five year or In case of HEPA found damaged, same shall be replaced with raising deviation.

Risers Filter Cleaning :

  • Switch off the air handling/ventilation unit.
  • Wear nose mask and hand gloves.
  • Open the riser door and remove the filter from filter plenum.
  • Take the filters to the filter cleaning room in polythene bags and keep them in the dirty filter staging area.
  • Place the filter in reverse position on SS pallet.
  • Wear nose mask and hand gloves and take out the filter from polythene bag.
  • First clean the filter with compressed air.
  • Dip the filter in the potable water and wash with potable water 2 times and finally rinse with the purified water.
  • Then blow compressed air on the filter for drying.
  • Visual checking of riser filters shall be done in front of lamp. After cleaning for leakage.
  • Keep the dried filter in polythene bag.
  • After completion of filter cleaning then attach clean status label & kept vertically.
  • After cleaning of all filters take same to respective area in polythene bag and re fix them properly.
  • Check the leakage from the risers, if found any leakage fill the silicon sealant.
  • Riser filters shall be cleaned at time of product change over as per requested by user through intimation slip as per Annexure II
  • Record the filter cleaning details in Annexure III

Frequency for cleaning of Riser filter (General Facility):

Riser filters shall be cleaned weekly and as when required for General facility.

Frequency for cleaning of Riser filter (Injection Facility):

Riser filters shall be cleaned monthly and as when required for Injection Facility.


Annexure I : Log Book for Cleaning of AHU/FDV Filters

Annexure-II : Pressure Monitoring record of pre filter & Micro-V filter (General facility)

Annexure-III : Pressure Monitoring record of pre filter & Micro-V filter (Injection Facility ).

Annexure-IV: Specimen copy of filter cleaning status board


Annexure –I

Log book for cleaning of AHU Filters/FDV filters. 

Department:    ____________________________   Month/Year: _____________________________      

AHU / FDV ID No. : ______________________ Area : ____________________________________


Sr. No. Date Fresh Air Filters 20 µ Pre Filters 10 µ Micro-V Filter 5µ Riser Filter 20 µ Cleaned By Checked By Remarks
ID No.: EN/AHU- Status ID No.: EN/AHU- Status ID No.: EN/AHU- Status ID No.: EN/AHU- Status



Reviewed By (Department Head – Sign./Date):                                                                                                                                Verified By (QA Sign./Date):



Magnehelic pressure gauge reading of AHU prefilter and Micro-V filter (General Facility)

Date: ____________________________    Area: __________________________________


Sr. No. AHU No. Prefilter Magnehelic gauge  ID Actual Reading of prefilters


Micro-V filter Magnehelic gauge ID Actual Reading of Micro-V filters (mmWC) Done By Remarks

(Limit of ∆P of Prefilters of AHU: 1 to 6 mmWC

(Alert limit: >7 mmWC, Action Limit :> 8 mm WC)

(Limit of ∆P of Micro-V filters of AHU: 2 to 10 mmWC

(Alert limit: > 11mmWC, Action Limit :> 12mm WC)



Magnehelic pressure gauge reading of AHU prefilter and Micro-V filter (Injection Facility)


Date: ____________________________        Area: _________________________________


Sr. No. AHU No. Prefilter Magnehelic gauge  ID Actual Reading of prefilters


Micro-V filter Magnehelic gauge ID Actual Reading of Micro-V filters (mmWC) Done By Remarks


(Limit of ∆P of Prefilters of AHU: 3 to 10 mmWC

(Alert limit: >9 mmWC, Action Limit :> 10 mm WC)

(Limit of ∆P of Micro-V filters of AHU: 6 to 20 mmWC

(Alert limit: >15 mm WC, Action Limit :> 20 mm WC)



Filter cleaning status Board for AHU filters

AHU No./ FDV No. : ____________


20 MICRON               ( Fresh air )        
10 MICRON              ( Prefilter)        

( Micro V )

20 MICRON ( Riser Filters)        

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