Sop for Operation and Calibration of FTIR

This Document describes (Standard Operating procedure) Sop for Operation and Calibration of FTIR
Sop for Operation and Calibration of FTIR
I. Purpose & Scope:
- The Purpose of this SOP is to lay down the procedure to lay down a procedure for Operation, Cleaning & Calibration of FTIR
- This procedure is applicable for Operation, cleaning & Calibration of FTIR used in Quality Control Department
II. Responsibilities:
• All Quality Control personnel’s shall be responsible to follow and implement this SOP.
III : Introduction and Procedural Part :
- Clean the instrument with a clean dry cloth every day. Occasionally wet cloth dipped in dilute soap solution or IPA may be used for cleaning of outer surface of instrument.
- A precaution has to be taken to clean the instrument immediately with dry cloth to remove the moisture.
- Do not touch to clean any optical surface while cleaning.
- Do not stare into the internal laser beam under the instrument cover.
- Do not use a flammable gas to purge the instrument.
- Do keep the spectrum one dry and avoid spilling liquid into the instrument.
- Do not keep any traces of materials on the sample port of Instrument, as excess humidity may damage sensitive optics.
- Ensure that the power supply to the instrument is ON and Select the Peak Miracle IR ‘Instrument setup.
- Select Software icon ‘Horizon MB’ & Open, select the Instrument configuration as MAC-00-02-2C-001CB2.
- Fill the sample information for background (Blank) first, with comment as background.
- Select the Instruments Parameters
- Resolution = 4
- Scan = 16
- Click on acquisition mode as Single Beam
- Click on icon ‘Reference’ Instrument scanning is started for Blank.
- After the completion or Back ground, Start for Sample set up & preparation.
- Put sample/ Standard on zinc mirror to the Peak Miracle, Take care the Zinc mirror is covered by the sample.
- Fill the sample/ Standard information for with name of sample with batch details or Analytical report number & comment as the test name.
- Select the Instruments Parameters
- Resolution = 4 and Scan = 16
- Click on acquisitions mode as Transmittance.
- Click on icon ‘Measure’ Instrument scanning is started for Sample & saves with given name.
- Select icon for Print ‘Window –Project- Measure Data – Data, Click on the sample/ Standard file, open it & take print for the same Take print & compare the test sample & standard sample.
- Clean the sample port with Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) after the use of instrument.
Calibration of FTIR Frequency: Once in months and after each maintenance job
Verification of the wave-number Scale:
- Select the sample compartments for polystyrene film.
- Take Blank is air and take scan for 4000 – 400 cm-1.
- Insert the polystyrene film in sample compartments and go to beam and select polystyrene for scan with following set up.
- Go to scan and give the following parameters
- Range – 4000 – 400 cm-1
- Scan type – Background/Sample
- Units – % T
- Scan No. – 1
- Click to scan
- The peak data of the spectrum of the polystyrene film is displayed on the screen.
- Print all the data from peak tables from ‘view’. And check limits of wave number, Accuracy, Compare the wave number accuracy with following limit.
- 3060.0 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 2849.5 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 1942.9 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 1601.2 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 1583.0 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 1154.5 ± 1.0 cm-1
- 1028.3 ± 1.0 cm-1
- Record the observations as per Annexure I during calibration of FTIR.
Control of resolution performance :
- Select the sample compartments for polystyrene film.
- Take Blank is air and take scan for 2900 cm-1 to 2800 cm-1 & 1600 cm-1 to 1500 cm-1 separately one by one.
- Insert the polystyrene film in sample compartments and go to beam and select polystyrene for scan with following set up during calibration of FTIR.
- Go to scan and give the following parameters
- Range – 2900 cm-1 to 2800 cm-1 & 1600 cm-1 to 1500 cm-1
- Scan type – Background/Sample
- Units – % T
- Scan No. – 1
- Click to SCAN
- The peak data of the spectrum of the polystyrene film is displayed on the screen.
- Print all the data from peak tables from ‘view’. And check limits of wave number.
- The difference between the absorbance at the absorption minimum at 2870 cm-1 and the absorption maximum at 2849.5 cm-1 is greater than 0.33. The difference between the absorbance at the absorption minimum at 1589 cm-1 and the absorption maximum at 1583 cm-1 is greater than 08.
- Record all the calibration data in Annexure-I during calibration of FTIR
- Handle the out of calibration results as per respective SOP
- If any discrepancy observed during operating the instrument report to QC Manager & notify the defect to Maintenance Manager to rectify the defect. Affix ‘Under Maintenance Label’ on the instrument.
- Maintain the instrument usage log book as per SOP Handling of instrument usage log book
Annexure I : Instrument Calibration Record
Calibration of FTIR Record
Name of Instrument : FTIR | Make : |
Instrument ID No. | Model : |
Calibration done on: | Calibration Due on: |
- A) Cleanliness of the Instrument:
Observation: Clean / Not Clean
- Any other maintenance:
Observation: Required / Not required
No. |
Claimed wave Number | Observed wave Number | Acceptance Criteria
(± 1.0 cm-1) |
1 | 3060.0 cm-1 | 3059.0 cm-1 to 3061.0 cm-1 | |
2 | 2849.5 cm-1 | 2848.5 cm-1to 2850.5 cm-1 | |
3 | 1942.9 cm-1 | 1941.9 cm-1to 1942.9 cm-1 | |
4 | 1601.2 cm-1 | 1600.2 cm-1 to 1602.2 cm-1 | |
5 | 1583.0 cm-1 | 1582.0 cm-1 to 1584.0 cm-1 | |
6 | 1154.5 cm-1 | 1153.5 cm-1 to 1155.5 cm-1 | |
7 | 1028.3 cm-1 | 1027.3 cm-1 to 1029.3 cm-1 |
No. |
Claimed wave No. | Result | Acceptance Criteria |
1 | The differences between the absorbance at the absorption minimum at 2870 cm-1 and the absorption maximum at the 2849.5 cm-1 | Greater than 0.33 | |
2 | The differences between the absorbance at the absorption minimum at 1589 cm-1 and the absorption maximum at the 1583 cm-1 | Greater than 0.08 |
Remark: The calibration of FTIR performed as per SOP and Complies / does not comply with the acceptance criteria.
Calibrated By: Checked By: Approved By:
Date Date: Date: